Renovating your dream-home Transparently and Smartly

In an unclear renovation industry, we redefine transparency, empowering you to make the best choice from a vast array of products and latest trend of smart home technology.

Smart Choice & Smart Home

Discover Different Renovation Options, Pros and Cons, Material Insights, and Budget-Friendly Recommendations.

Embrace the trend of smart living with our guidance on smart home and system cabinet solutions.

Home Renovation Products Directly Sourced From Factories

We understand the hassles of sourcing products, comparing the price across different vendors and frustrated about the contractor services.

Most of the products we provided are directly from manufacturer or brands to stretch your every dollars.

Transparent Renovation

Transparent Quotes, Digital Tracking: Revealing Costs, Ensuring Contractor Progress in Home Renovation

Our network of vendors has been thoroughly vetted and guaranteed to provide exceptional service, ensuring that you have peace of mind and confidence in your choices.

Meerkat Home Founding Story

Once upon a time, I faced a challenging time with previous startup. The stress and disappointment weighed heavily, causing feelings of depression and defeat. But, through the unwavering support and love from family, i was able to find comfort and solace at home. Surrounded by love, I slowly but surely regained the strength and determination needed to face life's challenges.

Inspired by my personal journey, We had a vision to bring this same sense of comfort and support to other families.

We three founders founded Meerkat Home with a mission to help families build a loving and supportive home environment, one that provides the energy and motivation to overcome life's challenges.

Our founding teams are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world by creating a community where everyone can experience the same love and support that they did during their time of need. Join us on our journey to bring happiness and comfort to homes everywhere with Meerkat Home.

~Alex Feng

What We Believe


Let home be more loving and better


Build a One-stop home collection mall to make renovation work hassle-free ; curate a loving and better life at home.



  • Try to understand different kinds of people and things beyond your knowledge with a peaceful mind and view them as different angels.


  • Serve our customers just like how you provide services to your family, giving them the most sincere advice.
  • For colleagues, understand their work tasks and challenges, and offer corresponding support or help.


  • Forge ahead with determination, strive for excellence, and to develop stronger virtues

Meet the Founders

Alex Feng

As the founder of Meerkat Home, my journey through the tech and home improvement sectors, notably within the Alibaba ecosystem, has been both challenging and rewarding. My entrepreneurial ventures reflects my decade-long commitment to innovation. As a devoted father, I've faced personal hardships that reaffirmed my belief in the power of a supportive home. Inspired by my experiences, I founded Meerkat Home to revolutionize home interiors with transparency and smart solutions. "In my darkest hours, it was the love and support of my family that provided me with the solace and strength I needed. It's this transformative power of a nurturing home environment that I wish to extend to others.


After over a decade at Huawei, specializing in large-scale project delivery and operational services, I ventured into entrepreneurship within the real estate sector. My experience has honed my ability to offer outstanding products and solutions, meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer. My journey from Huawei to real estate entrepreneurship embodies my commitment to excellence and personalized service, driving me to create value in every project I undertake.


Graduating from the National University of Singapore (NUS), I've dedicated six years to refining my expertise in the real estate industry. My passion for refined living fuels my commitment to co-creating ideal living spaces. With determination, I strive for excellence and the development of stronger virtues. My vision is to build a one-stop home collection mall, making renovation work hassle-free and curating a loving, better life at home. This journey is about more than just home; it's about crafting spaces that resonate with the heart, embodying the essence of a home.