Differences between Meerkat Home Modular Cabinets and Carpentry in Singapore

When it comes to enhancing your living space with cabinets, understanding the differences between Meerkat Home Modular Cabinet solutions and traditional carpentry in Singapore is crucial. Let's delve into the intricacies of each approach to help you make an informed decision for your home.

1) Factory Environment: 

Meerkat Home operates in a controlled factory environment, ensuring standardized production processes that meet stringent quality and environmental requirements. This guarantees consistent quality and eco-friendly practices, unlike traditional carpentry which may lack such standardized procedures.

Factory Environment modular cabinet vs local carpentry

2) Craftsmanship: 

Customized modular cabinets from Meerkat Home are meticulously crafted, offering precise installation and impeccable finishing. In contrast, traditional carpentry may vary in quality due to manual work, leading to inconsistencies in installation and finishing.


3) Edge Sealing: 

Meerkat Home's custom cabinets feature PUR edge sealing, preventing moisture damage and ensuring longevity. Traditional carpentry, however, may use hand-applied glue for edge sealing, resulting in blackened edges and potential laminate detachment over time, especially in Singapore's humid climate.

4) Wood /Plywood Quality: 

Modular Cabinets have standardized production processes, making the production process more controllable. They use high-quality environmentally-friendly boards, environmentally-friendly coatings, and fine polishing, which also reduce formaldehyde content. However, carpenters may make cabinets with uneven quality due to the quality of the wood used and the use of inferior glue, resulting in a strong and foul odour and a higher risk of formaldehyde release. 

In addition, Meerkat Home's boards are more environmentally friendly and have standardized testing reports, while many boards used by carpenters do not have quality testing reports.

5) Finishing: 

Meerkat Home's customized modular cabinets offer seamless fitting, precisely matching layer boards and cabinet colours for a cohesive look. At Meerkat Home you get exactly what you see. This contrasts with traditional carpentry, where variations in gap size and colour matching may occur.


6) Price: 

While Meerkat Home's pricing reflects market rates, traditional carpentry in Singapore tends to be more expensive, often ranging from 4-5K per square meter. Despite the initial cost difference, Meerkat Home provides after-sales guarantees for cabinets and hardware, ensuring long-term value.

7) What you see is what you get (3D Reality Visualization): 

Meerkat Home offers 3D rendering advantages, allowing customers to visualize their modular cabinets realistically and intuitively. In contrast, traditional carpentry typically provides hand-drawn 2D drawings, lacking the immersive experience of 3D visualization.

3D Reality

8) Hardware Accessories Quality: 

Meerkat Home employs standard hardware accessories from reputable brands like DTC Dongtai, ensuring quality and durability. On the other hand, traditional carpentry may use hardware accessories from various sources, potentially compromising on quality and performance.


Choosing between Meerkat Home modular cabinets and traditional carpentry in Singapore entails considering various factors, from production processes to price and quality. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and requirements for your home.

How Meerkat Home Can Help You?

Our endeavour to create bespoke solutions tailored to our client's needs remains unwavering. At Meerkat Home, we believe in transforming constraints into opportunities and crafting homes that inspire and elevate everyday living. Let us embark on a journey together to redefine the way you experience your space and bring your vision to life.

Meerkat Home Showroom address: One Commonwealth, 1 Commonwealth Lane, #09-07, Singapore

Contact: sales@meerkathome.sg, +6588249997